The Ultimate Guide to El Padul Laguna

Padul Laguna

Every time my travel buddy and I drive to the coast, we pass the small town of El Padul. From a distance, I could always see something that resembled a lake, yet it was unclear to me how to get there… I was disappointed since I love to photograph waterscapes so much. So, it was time to do some research.

El Padul lies about 13 kilometers to the south of the beautiful city of Granada. The name comes from the Latin word palus-paludis, which means wetland. In other words, the body of water that you can see from a distance is actually not a lake but a bog; it is actually one of the most important wetlands in the south of Spain.

El Padul Laguna is home to a lot of rare species of animals. But there is another reason why this bog is so important. Researchers have found lots of traces of different prehistoric periods. You can actually see a tusk of a mammoth in the Park of Sciences in Granada. Scientists have also discovered tools and vessels.

How to find this beautiful lagoon? When you come from Granada on the A-44, take the exit towards El Padul. You are now on the N323a. Keep on driving on this road, passing the center of El Padul. On your right, you will see a restaurant called Montesol. When you park your car, you will notice a path going down. You have now almost reached your destination.

Keep on following this path; some magnificent views are waiting for you!

It is also worth following the path called Ruta del Mamut.

How much time can you spend at the Laguna? That depends… If you are there to admire and photograph the beautiful landscapes, you can easily stay there for 2 hours. In case you want to observe the local fauna and flora, it will probably be a whole morning or afternoon.

Afterwards, you can have a drink and/or a meal at Montesol. Take into account that you can only pay cash.

Keep on following this website and join us for another journey soon somewhere in Europe!

Author: Ingridje

Nikon addict. Traveler. Writer. Foodie. Art lover. Movie freak.

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